Careers Champions
What are Career Champions?
The Careers Champions service is about helping each and every one of us within Health and Social Care have the most fulfilling career possible.
We recognise that sometimes you don’t feel quite ready to talk to your line manager or local HR teams about where you see your career going, or you may simply want to find out a bit more about other pathways and career opportunities. The Careers Champions allow you to do this informally and will sign-post you to the appropriate professional or career development resources, as well as giving you the benefit of their experience and impartial advice. Where necessary, they can refer you to someone who has the expertise and experience in the particular area that you are most interested in exploring.

Careers Champions – Helping You To Map Out Your Future Career Pathway

How will Careers Champions help?
The conversations will remain confidential between you and the Careers Champion and what happens afterwards is entirely your decision,
although your Careers Champion will follow-up 3-4 months after the initial conversation to see how you are getting on. Ultimately, we hope that having a more fulfilling career means that you will want to stay working in Health & Social Care longer, and will deliver even better care to our patients and service users in Norfolk & Waveney.
The Careers Champions will help you to reflect on your work experiences, examine thoughts and feelings about your current role/career and consider what your next steps might be. They will signpost you to resources and information.
Case Studies

Amanda Williamson, Clinical Audit and Effectiveness Manager
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
Case Study
Cheryl Wright, Clinical Educator Primary Care Home,
East Coast Community Health and Care CIC
Case Study
Esther Dorken, Consultant Midwife,
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings Lynn NHS Foundation Trust
Case StudyKaren Basham, Senior Operating Department Practitioner,
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
Case StudyWhy is now the right time for the Careers Champions service?
The COVID pandemic has been a challenging time for all of us and it’s inevitable that many of us are reviewing what we want from a career and our work-life balance. On top of that, the ageing population in Norfolk & Waveney means that the demand on Health & Social Care services locally is increasing and patients’ needs are becoming increasingly complex.
This presents real opportunities for us all to hold more demanding and fulfilling roles, if that’s what we want. It also means that it’s more important than ever that we recruit and retain more people for longer.
The best way to do that is for all of us to have interesting, rewarding, and enjoyable careers that are flexible enough to adapt to the different needs and wishes we all have as we go through life. The Careers Champions are just one important part of a series of initiatives we will be developing, including more flexible working patterns, a virtual careers office, and a “blended” approach to learning allowing us all to access training whenever and wherever it suits us best.
How do I get involved in becoming a Careers Champion?
We are looking for Careers Champions with experience from across a wide range of different clinical and supporting roles.
Careers Champions are members of staff who have an interest in supporting people make the most of their careers and signposting careers information for staff at any stage of their career. They will have coaching skills with a particular focus on career conversations and signposting to training resources. The conversations are intended to be informal and confidential, and the Careers Champions will draw on their own career experience to provide information and advice.
The Careers Champions can provide valuable insights and signposting to services across a range of topics including, information and direction on your next steps and how shadowing others may provide useful learning.
We will also be looking for lots more volunteers from across all providers from April next year.

Get in touch…
To register your interest in arranging a session with one of our local Careers
Champion, please scan the QR code.
For more information on how we use your data, please click here.