Home Working
Some quick tips you can do today
Promoting good health and wellbeing of our people is one of our four goals in the #WeCareTogether People Plan for Norfolk and Waveney. Protecting the physical and emotional wellbeing of our people is even more critical since the Covid-19 crisis
There are a lot of resources and support available which in itself can be a bit overwhelming! To help, here you can find links to both national offers of support as well as some local interventions focusing on physical, mental, social/family, and financial wellbeing.
We have Health & Wellbeing Leads for each part of the organisation. We’ve included a list on the following link.
Support lines and services:
Free mental health and wellbeing apps:
Emotional Wellbeing Toolkits:
During these unusual and difficult times it is important to be kind to ourselves and ensure our energy and focus is in the right place.
Why not take a few moments to write down your worries and concerns to see where they fit in the circle of influence.
Looking after your family’s wellbeing: