Our Integrated Care System
Helping the people of Norfolk and Waveney live longer, healthier and happier lives.
We are a partnership of local health and care organisations working together with local authority and the voluntary sector to improve the lives of people living in Norfolk and Waveney.
The system includes local GP practices, hospitals, community care, social services, mental health teams, local councils and more. Together we provide services to over 1 million people.
Norfolk & Waveney Health and Care Partnership Population: 1.1 million
Who are we?
The following partners work together to provide care for Norfolk and Waveney population:
Two county councils:
Norfolk County Council,
Suffolk County Council and eight district Councils
Three Acute Hospitals:
James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,
Queen Elizabeth Hospital King’s Lynn NHS Foundation Trust,
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Providers of community and mental health services:
Norfolk Community Health and Care Trust,
East Coast Community Healthcare CIC:,
Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust
NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB
One ambulance trust:
The East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust
105 GP practices and 17 Primary Care Networks (PCNs)
Two health & wellbeing Boards
and so much more
Click here for more information on the Norfolk and Waveney Health and Care Partnership.

Our Goals
Our Integrated Care System has three goals:
- To make sure that people can live as healthy a life as possible.
This means preventing avoidable illness and tackling the root causes of poor health. We know the health and wellbeing of people living in some parts of Norfolk and Waveney is significantly poorer – how healthy you are should not depend on where you live. This is something we must change.
- To make sure that you only have to tell your story once.
Too often people have to explain to different health and care professionals what has happened in their lives, why they need help, the health conditions they have and which medication they are on. Services have to work better together.
- To make Norfolk and Waveney the best place to work in health and care.
Having the best staff, and supporting them to work well together, will improve the working lives of our staff, and mean people get high quality, personalised and compassionate care.
Our Five Big Changes
1. Our GPs, nurses, social workers, mental health workers and other professionals will work together in teams, in the community, to provide people with more coordinated care.
2. Our hospitals will work more closely together so people get treated quicker in an emergency and don’t have to wait as long for surgery and other planned care.
3. We will work together to recruit more staff and we’ll invest more in the wellbeing and professional development of our workforce.
4. We will help people to make healthier choices to prevent them from getting ill and we will treat and management illnesses early on.
5. New technology will modernise our health and care services, making it quicker and easier for people to get the care they need.

”We have always had to integrate with lots of other different services and have a multidisciplinary approach with every patient we deal with. COVID has shone a big light on that we all have to work together and put patient’s best interests at heart.”
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