Who we are
We are a mutual / self help group of doctors and dentists from all levels of our professions who are recovering from, or wish to recover from addiction to alcohol, drugs or other behavioural addictions.
Our meetings, physical and online video, are not abstract scientific discussions about alcoholism / drug addiction but focus on sharing our journeys, our difficulties, both personally and professionally, and what has helped us in our recovery.

Where to find a BDDG meeting
A number of BDDG Groups are now running face-to-face meetings
whilst other Groups continue with Online Video Meetings.
Contact your local BDDG Secretary for details of meeting
arrangements, check the BDDG Members Only section for details
of face-to-face and online meetings or email the BDDG National
Secretary on natsecretary@bddg.org for details.
Sign up
Sign up to the wecaretogether Primary Care Health and Wellbeing website today to create your own profile, save resources and get notifications of new resources
My Portal