For Doctors – Film
Child Bereavement UK has been funded by BMA Giving to produce a short guidance film aimed at helping doctors maintain their personal resilience and wellbeing while working in the face of loss, death, and grief.
The film focuses on the impact the Covid-19 pandemic has on the mental wellbeing of health professionals at a time when many are struggling with anxiety, burnout, depression, and PTSD. It addresses the factors that increase the risk of mental health problems in doctors and the impact of the pandemic, signs of stress and burnout, and individual and organisational strategies to build and maintain resilience.

Training for Doctors
Doctors face a number of stresses in their work which can detrimentally affect their mental health. In recognition of the importance of promoting wellbeing among doctors, Child Bereavement UK is pleased to have been awarded a grant from BMA Giving to develop and deliver a series of monthly webinars.
Each webinar focuses on
- Aspects of work that compromise your wellbeing
- Factors increasing the risk of deterioration in doctors’ mental health
- The impact of working with loss, death and grief, both personally and professionally
- Strategies to build and maintain resilience, including monitoring your stress levels, your reactions to loss and your vulnerability
- The dual process model of coping with bereavement
- Compassion fatigue and burnout: signs and contributory factors
- Barriers to seeking help
- What helps in developing a culture of care
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