Services Available
Health Assured offers cover for you and, in some cases, your immediate family (that is your spouse or partners and dependent children aged 16 to 24 who are in full time education or living in the same household), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year:
App Access provided by the BDA
You will need the following code to access the features – MHA141171
Key support features across wellness, wellbeing, engagement and recognition include:
- Wellbeing videos and webinars
- Mini health checks
- Four week health and wellbeing plans
- Home life support and advice
- Work life assistance
- Physical and emotional health support
- Four week wellbeing challenges
- Weekly mood trackers
- Health trackers syncing with your Apple Health app
- Interactive leaderboards
- Perks and discounts
Sign up
Sign up to the wecaretogether Primary Care Health and Wellbeing website today so you can save resources and be notified when new help is available.
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