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Pharmacist Support Financial Help

Grants for unexpected hardships


Support for pharmacists, former pharmacists and their dependents

Help with a specific one-off cost, for example, an unexpected winter fuel bill or essential minor household repair.  Assistance to support mental or physical quality of life, for example, for respite care, therapy or the purchase of an aid or adaptation.

Support for pharmacists, former pharmacists and their dependents
Support for trainees

Support for trainees

Trainees facing unexpected hardship can apply for up to £3,000 during their GPhC approved placement, or whilst waiting to sit the assessment (evidence of application to sit is required).


Student hardship grant

Students can be awarded a grant of up to £1,500 per academic year if experiencing unexpected hardship due to unforeseen circumstances, such as ill health, bereavement or loss of income. Payments cannot be made towards tuition fees.

Student hardship grant

Pharmacist Support’s Student Bursary Scheme

Once a year the charity opens its national bursary scheme to all fully accredited pharmacy schools in Great Britain.

3rd (or 4th year if undertaking a 5 year sandwich degree) MPharm students facing unexpected adversity can apply and successful applicants can receive a bursary of either £3,000 or £5,000.

To apply students must demonstrate financial hardship, outstanding and exceptional qualities to overcome an ongoing adversity, an endorsed expectation by their university of a positive contribution to pharmacy in Great Britain and sound academic performance.

Further information and dates will be announced in January 2022 detailing when the Bursary Scheme will be opened for applications.

Any grant provided by the Charity is done so at the discretion of the Charity’s Trustees and there is no statutory or other right for an individual to receive a grant.

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