Leadership Development
Norfolk and Waveney Health and Care Partnership supports and encourages a number of personal and professional development of its staff. Below are a couple initiatives that are available to our staff.
Springboard Women’s Development Programme
A successful, award-winning development course for women. The aim of the programme is to enable women to take more control over their own lives by identifying the clear, practical and realistic steps that they want to take and developing the skills and confidence to take
By the end of the programme participants will have;
• increased confidence
• improved self-esteem
• be more proactive
• take responsibility for their own self development
• communicate effectively
• be more assertive
• define clear goals
• be re-motivated and re-energised
Aimed at women employees in pre-professional and support roles, including but not limited to; HCA/Support
workers, receptionist, medical secretary, administrator and technicians.
This is open to any female working in health or social care in Norfolk and Waveney, in AfC bands 1-5 roles (or
Staff can contact: stpworkforce@nchc.nhs.uk to express their interest, get added to the waiting list or just to find out more.
SpringBoard Women’s Development Programme
Staff can find out further details about this course at:
NHS Leadership Academy Programmes
The NHS Leadership Academy provides leadership development for people of all backgrounds and experiences across health and care.
Edward Jenner Programme
Anyone who is interested in healthcare leadership. The programme supports individuals to develop essential leadership skills. Completion of the programme leads to an NHS Leadership Academy award in Leadership Foundations.
Further information: https://www.leadershipacademy.nhs.uk/programmes/the-edward-jenner-programme/
Mary Seacole Programme
Those in their first clinical or non-clinical leadership role. Completion of the programme leads to an NHS Leadership Academy Award in Healthcare Leadership.
Topics include: The modules cover leadership fundamentals, fundamentals of finance, recruitment and selection, fundamentals of HR, appraisals and annual review. There is a single written assignment at the end, asking participants to reflect on their leadership impact. There are no formal academic requirements
Further details: https://www.leadershipacademy.nhs.uk/programmes/mary-seacole-programme/
Stepping Up Programme
The Stepping Up programme is a leadership development programme for aspiring black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) colleagues who work within healthcare in Bands 5-7 roles (the NHS or an organisation providing NHS care). The programme is designed to bridge the gap between where applicants are and where they need to be, to progress into more senior roles. Successful applicants will be empowered to drive forward the inclusion agenda and develop their skills and abilities in order to grow and progress.
Further Details:
Rosalind Franklin Programme
For clinical and non-clinical middle leaders aspiring to lead large and complex programmes, departments, services or systems of care. It aims to help shape individuals’ knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours to help them become outstanding, compassionate and inclusive leaders, working at all levels across the health and care system.
Further Details
Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Programme
This programme is aimed at mid to senior-level leader, aspiring to take on a more senior role while, at the same time, looking to have a wider impact by leading a culture of compassion. The aim is to equip individuals with the confidence to challenge the status quo and drive real and lasting change to improve the patient experience. The programme is fully accredited, leading to an NHS Leadership Academy Award in Senior Healthcare Leadership and a Masters in Healthcare Leadership.
NHS Leadership Academy Programmes
Click here for further details on the above programmes.
East of England NHS Leadership Academy Coaching & Mentoring for Leaders
The East of England NHS Leadership Academy offer a range of Coaching and Mentoring opportunities.
Coaching and mentoring for leaders
We’ve partnered with selected coaching companies and other leading-edge organisations to provide free, confidential, 1-2-1 coaching or mentoring support sessions for all NHS and social care leaders.
There are 3 options for leaders to choose from:
1. Coaching support: Leading in the moment
2. Coaching support: Leading in and through the crisis
3. Mentoring support
Coaching Information
If you are a staff member you can access and register for one of these offers here: