Physiotherapy case study
What does a Physical therapist do?
Physical therapists use a wide range of techniques to help injured patients or patients with a chronic illness to manage pain and regain a full range of motion to improve their quality of life. Physiotherapists use their broad knowledge of the human body to work together with their patients towards a goal of recovery. Specialist techniques such as ultrasound and electrical stimulation can also be used if necessary, alongside exercise and manipulation of muscles and joints. Specialist physiotherapists may also work treating respiratory conditions, treating patients on the wards who may be critically unwell and on ventilators
Hear from Helen, a physiotherapist at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Brief description of my role: I lead a small team of Physiotherapists and Therapy Assistants and our remit covers both in- and outpatients for the Women’s and Men’s Health Physiotherapy service which includes inpatient postpartum and post-op gynaecology management, all aspects of outpatient pelvic health management including urinary, bowel and sexual dysfunction and musculoskeletal dysfunction within pregnancy, outpatient pre- and post-op prostatectomy management and post-op breast management.
Where/how long I trained: Salford University 2004-2007 Bsc. (Hons) Physiotherapy – first class and Bradford University 2013-2014 PG Cert Continence for Physiotherapists – merit

Happy healthy people providing excellent compassionate care
Career progression so far: I completed a student placement in Women’s Health which sparked my interest within the speciality before I undertook all of my junior rotations, including Women’s Health, in a large teaching hospital in the NW of England before relocating to East Anglia to specialise in Women’s Health. Over the last nine plus years, I have developed the service to include Male Health and breast care. The team has grown over the last few years and pelvic health has started to be recognised more within physiotherapy itself and at national level within NICE guidance and NHS long term plans. We have been instrumental in becoming an early implementer in the development of pelvic health management for the Norfolk and Waveney CCG, which will roll out nationally over the next few years. This will ensure a regional standardised and streamlined service for optimised pelvic health.
What I enjoy about my job: The evolvement it brings and the diversity within the specialism – it is never the same and it will continue to grow. Ultimately, being able to spark that interest that I was shown as a student, to other students and junior staff members.