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Health and Care Academy
Nurturing the next generation of health and social care talent
Ever wondered what an Optometrist does in their day job? Or what all the different uniforms mean in a care environment? Or why hospitals have libraries?
We are excited to offer young inspiring minds the opportunity to find out the answers to all the above questions with our new Junior and Senior Health and Care Programmes.
With an aging population and disparate Norfolk landscape, it is vital to engage with our younger generations and empower them with both life skills and increased confidence to expand the numbers of entrants into health and social care careers, such as nursing and midwifery.

Norfolk and Waveney Health and Care Academies
What will the sessions cover?
The year 12 Academy will cover professions you want to know more about and some you’ve never heard of.
These sessions are designed to give you a full picture of all the careers in health and social care with real professionals sharing their knowledge insight and experience with you. You will also experience 2 half days in a hospital environment learning hands on skills.
The year 13 Academy will cover some more key areas, plus an added focus on preparing to progress into higher education, employment or apprenticeships, this academy will give you the tools to succeed in your chosen path as well as sessions exploring essential soft skills.
Year 12 Academy
• 7 Sessions over 4 months
• 5 Virtual sessions
• 2 Face-to-Face Half-days
• Covering a wide range of careers
• Practicing professionals with real stories
• Interactive online modules
Year 13 Academy
• 5 Sessions over 2 months
• Virtual Program
• Focus on next steps
• Interview and application skills
• Interactive workshops with professionals
• Access to NextGen Health and Care.
Happy healthy people providing excellent compassionate care
What do the Academies involve?
What do I have to do?
After being offered this exciting opportunity and being accepted onto the Academy, our expectations from our students will be to fully participate and engage in each virtual session which will involve having camera’s and mics turned on where able and to attend at least 70%. The virtual sessions are between 2 and 2.5 hours long and start at 3pm. There also will be some online workbooks to complete for the year 12 academy.
Upon completion you’ll be invited to attend a graduation event and be awarded a certificate and potentially additional prizes!

How do I sign up?
If your school is promoting the Academy, great! they’ll provide you with an application form. If not,
you can ask your school to reach out to us at the emails below. Alternatively you can reach out
yourself with contact information of your course leader or head of sixth form and we’ll see if
we can offer the Health and Care Academy for your School or College.
Caught your interest? Contacts and Links
Chloe Chettleburgh – Project Lead
NHS Careers
Health Education England
Example schedule of the full Academy Programme