Who is the training for?
The training has been designed for line managers and HR & Occupational Health staff, particularly those supporting staff affected by Post-COVID Syndrome. It will increase your knowledge and confidence of the role physical activity can play in supporting an individual to recover from the illness, as well as providing further information on the support services available as part of the Post-COVID service.
Each session will cover:
- The importance of physical activity and exercise as part of an individual’s recovery/rehabilitation (for both physical and mental health)
- Current guidance on physical activity and exercise for people with Post-COVID
- Details of local physical activity opportunities, as well as local and national online resources
- Guidance for managers on how they can support employees to be more active
- An overview of the support available from the Vocational Rehabilitation Therapist as part of the Post-COVID service
When are the sessions?
- The importance of physical activity and exercise as part of an individual’s recovery/rehabilitation (for both physical and mental health)
- Current guidance on physical activity and exercise for people with Post-COVID
- Details of local physical activity opportunities, as well as local and national online resources
- Guidance for managers on how they can support employees to be more active
- An overview of the support available from the Vocational Rehabilitation Therapist as part of the Post-COVID service
To enable as many people as possible to access the training, there will be sessions from early December to the end of February across a variety of days and times. The training will last for approximately 45 minutes, including time for Q&As, on the following dates:
- Thursday 8th December: 13:00 – 14.00
- Friday 13th January: 15 – 10.15
- Thursday 26th January: 16.00 – 17.00
- Tuesday 31st January: 09.30 – 10.30
- Tuesday 7th February: 12.00 – 13.00
- Thursday 23rd February: 9.30 – 10.30
How do I register to attend?
To sign up to attend one of the training dates shown above, scan the QR code or “ctrl + click” the link below. If you have any further questions regarding the training, please contact katie.tierney@activenorfolk.org
Click HERE to sign up to a training course or scan the QR code
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